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Biodiesel exports rose strongly

In the first three months of 2018, German exports of biodiesel rose strongly. Above all, demand from the US, but also from Belgium and Austria saw a sharp increase.

2018-06-19 | Deutschland | Pressemeldung | Biodiesel

Same prices for Diesel fuel and palm oil: the consequences

UFOP urges trialogue parties in Brussels to reconsider their position on biofuels – Asking prices for diesel fuel and palm oil have reached virtually the same level. The reason is contradictory price trends for crude and palm oil.

2018-06-19 | Deutschland | Pressemeldung | Biodiesel

Commercial transport can be fossil-free by 2050

A fossil-free commercial transport system in the timeframe of the Paris Agreement target is not only possible, but also financially attractive from a societal perspective. This is the key conclusion of a study initiated by Scania.

2018-06-19 | International | Publikation | Verkehr

Ethanol Produced from Steel Mill Emissions

Carbon recycling company, LanzaTech, and its joint venture partner, Shougang Group, a Chinese iron and steel producer, have announced the successful start-up of the world’s first commercial facility converting industrial emissions to sustainable ethanol. The facility, located at the Jingtang Steel Mill in Caofeidian in Hebei Province, began operations on May 3.

2018-06-19 | China | Pressemeldung | Ethanol

Green Gas

Facilitating a future green gas grid through the production of renewable gas

IEA Bioenergy Task 37 published a study on Green Gas - Facilitating a future green gas grid through the production of renewable gas.

2018-06-19 | EU | Publikation | Biogas

Trotz besserer Motorentechnik verbraucht der Pkw-Verkehr immer mehr Energie

Rebound-Effekt: Mehr Gewicht macht technische Effizienzgewinne der Pkw zunichte

2018-06-19 | EU | Pressemeldung | Verkehr

B2B Matchmaking on low TRL biofuel technologies

ETIP Bioenergy Workshop Emerging Technologies

ETIP Bioenergy will present several low TRL biofuel technologies during a workshop taking place on 4th June at the NH Brussels EU Berlaymont in Brussels, combined with offering opportunities for B2B (business-to-business) matchmaking.

2018-05-22 | EU | Veranstaltungshinweis | Biotreibstoffe

Kraftstoffe der Zukunft

Bericht über den 15. internationalen Fachkongress für erneuerbare Mobilität, Berlin 2018

Der Kongress "Kraftstoffe der Zukunft" hat zum 15. Mal stattgefunden und ist zu einem der wichtigsten Veranstaltungen zu Fragen der Biotreibstoffe und erneuerbare Mobilität in Europa geworden. Mit den Forderungen des Europäischen Parlaments in Richtung einer nachhaltigen Bioökonomie zu Beginn des Jahres wurde der Trilog zwischen Parlament, Kommission und Europarat eröffnet. Nur bei einer engagierten Politik können Biotreibstoffe bis 2030 einen Anteil von 13 % erreichen.

2018-05-22 | International | Publikation | Biotreibstoffe

IEA Bioenergy Task 39 Newsletter#48

IEA Bioenergy Task 39 (liquid biofuels) published the latest newsletter featuring an article on "Biofuels Production and Consumption in the US: Status, Advances and Challenges" and a summary of Task 39 first business meeting in Beijing.

2018-05-22 | International | Newsletter | Biotreibstoffe

Neste reports strong Q1 performance for renewables division

On April 26, Neste Corp. released first quarter 2018 financial results, reporting strong results for the company’s Renewable Products division. Overall, the company posted an all-time high quarterly profit.

2018-05-22 | USA | Pressemeldung | Märkte

€13.9m EU funding to demonstrate the production of isobutene

Global Bioenergies announced the start of a 3-year project to demonstrate a new value chain combining its Isobutene process with technologies developed by Sekab and Neste, two of Europe's leading technology developers.

2018-05-22 | EU | Pressemeldung | Synthetische Treibstoffe

New vans sold in Europe: large decrease in CO2 emissions

Average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of new vans registered in the European Union (EU) in 2017 were 4.7% lower than in 2016, according to preliminary data published today by the European Environment Agency (EEA). This is the highest annual reduction reported since the regulation to reduce CO2 emissions from light-duty vehicles came into force in 2011.

2018-05-22 | EU | Pressemeldung | Emissionen

ETIP Bioenergy Workshop Emerging Technologies

Agenda is now online

ETIP Bioenergy hosts a workshop on low TRL technologies on 4th June in Brussels. The final agenda is now available.

2018-05-09 | EU | Veranstaltungshinweis | Konversionstechnologien

Arbeitspapier „Bioökonomie-FTI-Strategie“

In Europa aber auch in Österreich wird in das umfassende Konzept der Bioökonomie große Hoffnung gesetzt. BMVIT, BMBWF, BMDW und BMNT erarbeiteten in der Arbeitsgruppe 2 „Klimawandel und Ressourcenknappheit" der FTI-Taskforce eine Bioökonomie-FTI-Strategie, die nun als Arbeitspapier der FTI AG2 veröffentlicht wurde.

2018-05-09 | EU | Pressemeldung | Bioökonomie

Österreichische Forschungsquote steigt 2018 auf 3,19%

2018 werden in Österreich rund 12,3 Mrd. € für Forschung und Entwicklung ausgegeben, die Forschungsquote wird dadurch voraussichtlich auf fast 3,2% steigen. Die Quote liegt seit 2014 über den in der EU bis 2020 angestrebten 3%, aber unterhalb des österreichischen Zielwerts von 3,76%.

2018-05-09 | Österreich | Pressemeldung | F&E

Trotz Marktdruck - AGQM Biodieselqualität in 2017 weiter verbessert

Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Qualitätsmanagement Biodiesel e.V. (AGQM) veröffentlicht den Qualitätsbericht 2017 aus den Ergebnissen der regelmäßig durchgeführten unangekündigte Beprobung bei Herstellern und Lagerbetreibern.

2018-05-09 | Deutschland | Pressemeldung | Biodiesel

Mid and long term potential for advanced biofuels in Europe

Report of EC DG RTD

Study commissioned by Directorate-General for Research and Innovation - Research and innovation perspective of the mid-and long-term potential for advanced biofuels in Europe

2018-05-09 | EU | Publikation | Biotreibstoffe

Electricity-Based Fuels

Costs and potential uses of fuels synthesized from renewable electricity

A recent study commissioned by Agora Verkehrswende and Agora Energiewende investigates the costs and potential uses of fuels synthesized from renewable electricity.

2018-05-09 | Deutschland | Publikation | Synthetische Treibstoffe

U.S. exported a record amount of fuel ethanol in 2017

The United States exported nearly 1.4 billion gallons of fuel ethanol in 2017, surpassing the previous record of 1.2 billion gallons set in 2011. U.S. imports of ethanol in 2017 increased compared with 2016 but remained relatively small at 77 million gallons, resulting in the United States being a net exporter of ethanol for the eighth consecutive year.

2018-05-09 | USA | Pressemeldung | Märkte

Fuel types of new cars in Europe in 1st quarter of 2018

In the first quarter of 2018, 37.9% of all new passenger cars in the EU ran on diesel. Petrol cars accounted for 55.5%. Alternatively-powered vehicles accounted for 6.5% of EU car sales in Q1 2018, with electrically‐chargeable vehicles making up 1.7% of all cars sold.

2018-05-09 | EU | Pressemeldung | Verkehr
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