1592 Datensätze | Anzeige 1241 bis 1260
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Half of Europe’s renewable energy comes from wood, but …

Half of the EU’s renewable energy (RE) comes from wood and wood waste, according to Eurostat. The new Eurostat numbers were issued in conjunction with the UN’s Year of Sustainable Energy For All (SE4ALL), which sets ambitious renewables, efficiency and universal energy access targets.

2012-12-06 | EU | Pressemeldung | Rohstoffe

US Senate passes amendment allowing biofuel refinery construction

The Senate passed an amendment to the defense bill that would strike the prohibition on biofuel refinery construction. The amendment allows the Department of Defense (DoD) to invest in refineries for “advanced” biofuels through a joint Agriculture, Energy and Navy Departments agreement.

2012-12-06 | USA | Gesetzgebung | Bioraffinerie

Clearest evidence yet of polar ice losses

After two decades of satellite observations, an international team of experts brought together by ESA and NASA has produced the most accurate assessment of ice losses from Antarctica and Greenland to date.

2012-12-06 | International | Publikation | Nachhaltigkeit

ökoenergieAWARD Preisträger November – DI Michael Paula

Im November wurde der ökoenergieAWARD der gleichnamigen Zeitschrift des Österreichischen Biomasseverbandes an Dipl. Ing. Michael Paula vom Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie verliehen.

2012-12-05 | Österreich | Pressemeldung | Erneuerbare Energien

IEA World Energy Outlook

The global energy map is changing dramatically, the International Energy Agency said as it launched the 2012 World Energy Outlook (WEO).

2012-11-28 | International | Publikation | Bioenergie

BIOGRACE - extending its GHG calculation tool

The BioGrace project has been granted another 3-year-period by Intelligent Energy Europe. A single tool is going to cover all kinds of bioenergy on the European market: gaseous, liquid and solid.

2012-11-28 | EU | Projekt | Emissionen

Eni S.p.A. plans to produce drop in biofuels in Venice, Italy

UOP LLC, a Honeywell company, announced that Italy’s largest energy company, Eni S.p.A., will produce renewable diesel using Honeywell’s Ecofining™ process at its facility in Venice.

2012-11-28 | Italien | Pressemeldung | Konversionstechnologien

Denial of Requests for a Waiver of the Renewable Fuel Standard

In August 2012, Governors from several US States requested a waiver of the national volume requirements for the renewable fuel standard program (RFS) of the Clean Air Act.

2012-11-28 | USA | Pressemeldung | Nachhaltigkeit

Public consultation on Public-Private Partnership on Biobased Industry

Circular note from CEI

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on "Bio-based industries, towards a public-private partnership under Horizon 2020?".

2012-11-28 | EU | Ausschreibung | Stoffliche Nutzung von Biomasse

Looming shortage of key crop nutrient pushes call for conservation

Stepped-up farm production to feed a growing world could lead to shortages of a vital crop nutrient, phosphorus, prompting European officials to consider conservation and recycling measures to protect supplies.

2012-11-28 | International | Pressemeldung | Rohstoffe

Buchtipp: Biodiesel oder Dinodiesel? von Rainer Präsoll

Normative und ökonomische Rahmenbedingungen für Biodiesel in Österreich und im europäischen Kontext

„Biodiesel oder Dinodiesel?“ – unter diesem Titel ist eine umfassende Sammlung von Daten, Fakten und Zahlen zu Biotreibstoffen, im speziellen zu Biodiesel erschienen. Rainer Präsoll betrachtet auf 248 Seiten das Thema Biodiesel aus den unterschiedlichsten Blickwinkeln.

2012-11-28 | Österreich | Publikation | Biodiesel

Increases in agricultural productivity in Africa should enable food production

A newly published United Nations Human Development Report on Africa, which focuses on food security, says poverty and development challenges will be magnified by Sub-Saharan Africa’s rising population, expected to grow from more than 800 million today to 2 billion by 2050.

2012-11-28 | International | Publikation | Rohstoffe

John Benemann to Chair European Algae Biomass 2013

Europan Algae Biomass 24-25 April 2013 Vienna

ACI is Pleased to Confirm John Benemann, CEO, MicroBio Engineering, as Chair of the European Algae Biomass 2013 taking place in Vienna on the 24th & 25th April 2013.

2012-11-28 | Österreich | Veranstaltungshinweis | Rohstoffe

News from BioGasol

BioGasol ApS announced on 12 November 2012 that it has raised €5 million in new equity financing and received a confirmation of €10 million grant allocation from The Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program (EUDP), part of the Danish Energy Agency.

2012-11-28 | Dänemark | Newsletter | Konversionstechnologien

Nanomaterials in plant protection products and fertilisers

The use of nanomaterials in agriculture could reduce cost and effort, increase efficiency and lead to more environmentally sound applications. But it might also have a negative effect on microorganisms in the soil.

2012-11-28 | International | Projekt | Rohstoffe


Feedbackbogen zum Netzwerk Biotreibstoffe Newsletter

Liebe LeserInnen und Leser, vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback zu unserem Newsletter. Der Newsletter hat durchwegs positive Bewertungen erhalten und wir werden uns bemühen Sie weiter mit Informationen aus aller Welt über Biotreibstoffe zu versorgen.

2012-11-15 | Österreich | Newsletter | Biotreibstoffe

Scientists genetically increase algae biomass production by more than 50 %

Martin Spalding, professor in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences in Iowa/ USA, is leading a team that discovered a genetic method that can increase biomass in algae by 50 to 80 %.

2012-11-15 | International | Pressemeldung | Rohstoffe

ZeaChem Completes Construction of Cellulosic Ethanol Biorefinery

ZeaChem Inc. has completed construction of its 250,000 gallons per year (GPY) cellulosic ethanol biorefinery in Oregon. The project was completed on budget and is expected to begin production of cellulosic ethanol by the end of 2012.

2012-11-15 | USA | Pressemeldung | Bioraffinerie

Videopräsentationen 17.Österreichischer Biomassetag

Videos von den Präsentationen der verschiedenen Vortragenden vom 17. Österreichischen Biomassetag wurden nun vom Biomasseverband auf Youtube veröffentlicht.

2012-11-15 | Österreich | Konferenzbericht | Erneuerbare Energien

Biotreibstoff oder Lebensmittel?

19. November 2012, FH OÖ Campus Wels

Dr. Heike Kahr und Prof. (FH) Dr. Alexander Jäger beleuchten die Auswirkungen von Bioethanol auf die Landwirtschaft, Ernährung, Bevölkerung, Umwelt und die Energiesituation.

2012-11-15 | Österreich | Veranstaltungshinweis | Biotreibstoffe
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