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Short Rotation Eucalypt Plantations for Energy in Brazil

A report of IEA Bioenergy Task 39

Brazil has been a world leader in large scale eucalypt plantations with improved breeding material and now appears to be leading the world in new silvicultural options of very close spaced eucalypt plantations primarily for bioenergy production.

2011-12-28 | Brasilien | Publikation | Rohstoffe

Criteria and indicators for sustainable woodfuels

A joint publication of FAO and IEA Bioenergy

This publication assesses the environmental, social and economic issues as well as the legal and institutional frameworks that can ensure the sustainable production of woodfuels from forests, trees outside forests and other sources. The study continues FAO’s long interest in wood energy issues and complements other FAO reports on wood energy and sustainable forest management.

2011-12-28 | International | Publikation | Nachhaltigkeit

International biodiesel markets - Developments in production and trade

On behalf of the Union zur Förderung von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen e. V. (UFOP), Ecofys Gerrmany GmbH has compiled a report on the market development for biodiesel in the German and international biodiesel markets. The study comes to the conclusion that the trend towards internationalisation is set to continue with an almost exponential growth in biodiesel production and sales.

2011-12-28 | International | Publikation | Biodiesel

IEA Bioenergy Task 39 Newsletter Issue #29 - Germany Feature - December 2011

The current issue of the IEA Bioenergy Task 39 Newsletter features an article on Germany's activites in the biofuels area.

2011-12-28 | Deutschland | Newsletter | Biotreibstoffe

Die Gemeinde als Kraftwerk - DVD Dokumentation

Der Österreichische Biomasseverband produzierte in Zusammenarbeit mit dem ländlichen Fortbildungsinstitut Östtereich eine Dokumentation über regionale erneuerbare Energie - Die Gemeinde als Kraftwerk.

2011-12-21 | Österreich | Pressemeldung | Energieversorgung

Report: Global biofuels capacity will reach 205 million m3 by 2015

The world's biofuel-production capacity is set to rise to 205 million m3 by 2015, from 169 million m3 today, according to Lux Research, which expects that ethanol capacity will reach 133 million m3 per year by 2015.

2011-12-21 | International | Publikation | Biotreibstoffe

Europe 2020 initiative - Energy Roadmap 2050

The Energy Roadmap 2050 is part of the Resource Efficiency Flagship of the Europa 2020 strategy. European clean energy advocates criticised the European Commission’s energy roadmap for 2050, as a "missed opportunity" for omitting intermediate targets from the final text.

2011-12-21 | EU | Publikation | Energieversorgung

The Cellulosic Ethanol Debacle – A critical comment in the Wall Street Journal

Congress mandated purchase of 250 million gallons in 2011. Actual production: 6.6 million.

The Congress passed a law imposing mandates on oil companies to blend cellulosic fuel into conventional gasoline. In 2010 the mandate was 100 million barrels, rising to 250 million in 2011 and 500 million in 2012. By the end of this decade the requirements leap to 10.5 billion gallons a year.

2011-12-21 | USA | Pressemeldung | Ethanol

IEA says Brazilian ethanol shortage will materially slow global biofuels growth

World production of biofuels will increase at a slower pace than previously forecast in the next five years as Brazil’s ethanol output declines and the U.S. market becomes saturated, the International Energy Agency said.

2011-12-14 | International | Pressemeldung | Ethanol

IEA World Energy Outlook 2011

IEA´s flagship publication World Energy Outlook 2011 brings together the latest data, policy developments, and the experience of another year to provide robust analysis and insight into global energy markets, today and for the next 25 years.

2011-12-14 | International | Publikation | Energieversorgung

Fueling the Navy's Great Green Fleet with Advanced Biofuels

The latest milestone is the announcement that the Defense Logistics Agency has signed a contract to purchase 450,000 gallons of domestically produced advanced drop-in biofuel on behalf of the Navy.

2011-12-14 | USA | Pressemeldung | Biotreibstoffe

Drop-in Biofuels Take Flight in Commerce City, Colorado

The pilot-scale facility will convert wood waste, agricultural residue, and bagasse into renewable diesel and jet fuel.

2011-12-14 | USA | Pressemeldung | Alternative Treibstoffe

Praxis und Erweiterungsbedarf der Nachhaltigkeitszertifizierung bis 2020 und danach - Zur Sicherung einer nachhaltigen Biomassebereitstellung

Einladung zum Fachpodium während des GFFA

Einladung zum Fachpodium "Praxis und Erweiterungsbedarf der Nachhaltigkeitszertifizierung bis 2020 und danach - Zur Sicherung einer nachhaltigen Biomassebereitstellung" um 10 Uhr am 20. Januar 2012 in Berlin.

2011-12-14 | Deutschland | Veranstaltungshinweis | Nachhaltigkeit

Global Forum for Food and Agriculture Berlin 2012

Food Security through Sustainable Growth - Farming with Limited Resources

Invitation to the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) Berlin 2012 from January 19th - 22nd at the International Congress Centrum, ICC, Berlin.

2011-12-14 | Deutschland | Veranstaltungshinweis | Nachhaltigkeit

Umweltdachverband kritisiert Umsetzung der Energiestrategie

Der Umweltdachverband hat die Realisierung der Energiestrategie Österreich geprüft und meint, dass Österreichs Energiepolitik Nachholbedarf hat.

2011-12-14 | Österreich | Publikation | Energieversorgung

Energiebilanz 2010 - Energie in der Österreichischen Energiestatistik

2010 stieg der energetische Endverbrauch in Österreich gegenüber dem Krisenjahr 2009 um 5,6% auf 1.119 PJ und damit auch gegenüber 2008 (1.112 PJ) auf einen deutlich höheren Wert. Neben der konjunkturellen Erholung Österreichs mit einem realen Wirtschaftswachstum von 2,3% zeichnete sich 2010 auch durch ein, im Vergleich zu 2009, kälteres Jahr aus.

2011-12-01 | Österreich | Publikation | Energieversorgung

Well-to-Wheels Analysis of Future Automotive Fuels and Powertrains in the European Context

Update 3c of JEC Well-to-Wheels report

Calculations of GHG and energy balances for a new WTW Version 3 have been recently completed. Main changes concern biofuels with modified and new pathways for ethanol, bio-diesel and biogas.

2011-12-01 | International | Publikation | Biotreibstoffe

Industrial air pollution cost Europe up to €169 billion in 2009

This was one of the findings of a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA) which analysed the costs of harm to health and the environment caused by air pollution.

2011-12-01 | EU | Pressemeldung | Emissionen

Sachlicher Artikel über E10

ÖAMTC tritt für eine sachliche Diskussion über Biokraftstoffe ein

Mehr Ethanol in Benzin - von manchen verteufelt, für andere schlicht notwendig. Der ÖAMTC tritt für eine sachliche Diskussion über Biokraftstoffe ein.

2011-12-01 | Österreich | Pressemeldung | Ethanol

EurObserv’ER Barometer on Solid Biomass

The new EurObserv’ER Barometer on Solid Biomass is available for free download.

2011-12-01 | International | Publikation | Rohstoffe
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