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IEA Bioenergy News

IEA Bioenergy releases a Newsletter 3 to 4 times per year. It contains information on Task activities and latest publications.

2016-03-31 | International | Newsletter | Bioenergie

Advanced Biofuels - the Developing Country Perspectives

UNCTAD, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, highlighted for the first time in 2007 on advanced biofuels as a product with great potential but far away from markets.

2016-03-15 | International | Publikation | Biotreibstoffe

Cellulosic ethanol falls short – a critical review by Robert Rapier

There have been many attempts to commercialize cellulosic ethanol since the early 1900′s, and every 20-30 years or so we forget why this already failed.

2016-03-15 | International | Pressemeldung | Biotreibstoffe

Emission reductions from renewable fuel of Neste

"Our vision is to create responsible choices every day. ….. . We are the world's largest company that produces renewable fuel from waste and residue raw materials, and our goal is to further increase their use because they result in the highest greenhouse gas emission reductions", says Kaisa Hietala, Executive Vice President, Renewable Products at Neste.

2016-03-15 | International | Pressemeldung | Biotreibstoffe

U.S. ethanol exports reach highest level since 2011

U.S. exports of fuel ethanol reached their highest level in four years in 2015, totaling 844 million gallons, a slight increase from 2014 and second only to the 1.2 billion gallons exported during 2011. U.S. imports of ethanol, which totaled 73 million gallons in 2014, also increased in 2015, reaching a total of 92 million gallons. The United States remained a net exporter of fuel ethanol for the sixth consecutive year and exported the fuel to 35 different countries in 2015.

2016-03-15 | USA | Pressemeldung | Biotreibstoffe

Power-to-Gas-Anlage mit biologischer Methanisierung eingeweiht

Im hessischen Allendorf wurde auf dem Firmengelände der Viessmann Werke eine Power-to-Gas-Anlage im industriellen Maßstab offiziell mit Gästen aus Politik, Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft eingeweiht.

2016-03-15 | Deutschland | Pressemeldung | Biogas

Neuzulassungen im Februar 2016: Kfz +12,8%; Pkw +9,0%

Im Februar 2016 wurden österreichweit 28.404 Kraftfahrzeuge (Kfz) neu zum Verkehr zugelassen, laut Statistik Austria um 12,8% mehr als im Februar 2015 und um 1,3% mehr als im Jänner 2016.

2016-03-15 | Österreich | Pressemeldung | Verkehr

Are technology myths stalling aviation climate policy?

Emissions from aviation will continue to increase in the future, in contradiction of global climate policy objectives. Yet, airlines and airline organisations suggest that aviation will become climatically sustainable.

2016-03-15 | International | Pressemeldung | Biotreibstoffe

Poor air quality: good energy policies can help save lives

One hundred experts from governments, corporations, academia and civil groups around the globe gathered at the International Energy Agency (IEA) on 10 March to advise on energy policies and new technologies that could help reduce air pollution that each year causes millions of premature deaths and costs the global economy trillions of dollars.

2016-03-15 | International | Pressemeldung | Emissionen

Strong demand for biodiesel from Germany continued in 2015

Although German foreign trade in biodiesel was not quite as brisk in 2015 as a year earlier, export figures published by the German Federal Statistical Office verify that interest in biodiesel from Germany continued to be high.

2016-03-15 | International | Pressemeldung | Biotreibstoffe

ÖSTAT: Pkw: +1,1% auf 4,75 Mio.

Rund 6,55 Mio. Kraftfahrzeuge (Kfz) waren laut Statistik Austria am Stichtag 31.12.2015 in Österreich zum Verkehr zugelassen, um 1,2% mehr als ein Jahr zuvor (2014: +1,3%).

2016-02-25 | Österreich | Pressemeldung | Biotreibstoffe

UFOP-Project “Lowering of the Boiling Curve of Biodiesel"

The Thünen Institute of Agricultural Technology and the Technology Transfer Center Automotive Coburg (TAC) of the Coburg University of Applied Sciences modified the boiling behaviour of biodiesel by metathesis. This enables the new fuel to evaporate from the engine oil

2016-02-25 | Deutschland | Pressemeldung | Biotreibstoffe

Perspectives for Sustainable Aviation Biofuels in Brazil

The aviation industry has set ambitious goals to reduce carbon emissions in coming decades. The strategy involves the use of sustainable biofuels, aiming to achieve benefits from environmental, social, and economic perspectives.

2016-02-25 | International | Pressemeldung | Biotreibstoffe

Rückgänge bei Kfz-Gebrauchtzulassungen im Jänner 2016: -2,6%; Pkw -1,9%

Im Jänner 2016 wurden laut Statistik Austria insgesamt 63.609 gebrauchte Kraftfahrzeuge (Kfz) zum Verkehr zugelassen, um 2,6% weniger als im Jänner 2015.

2016-02-25 | Österreich | Pressemeldung | Biotreibstoffe

Chempolis’ and NRL’s cellulosic ethanol project in India

A joint venture project (ca. 110 M€) of Chempolis Ltd, Finland, and Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL) moves on after getting approval from NRL’s board.

2016-02-25 | International | Pressemeldung | Biotreibstoffe

IEA Bioenergy Berlin 2015: ExCo 76, Konferenz und CORE-JetFuel Workshop

Der Bericht beinhaltet die Zusammenfassung des ExCo Meetings 76, der IEA Bioenergy 2015 Konferenz und des Workshops zum Projekt CORE-JetFuel.

2016-02-25 | International | Konferenzbericht | Biotreibstoffe

5. Ausgabe der Biobased Future online

Das Mitteilungsblatt "Biobased Future" enthält Informationen über die stoffliche und energetische Nutzung nachwachsender Rohstoffe sowie über das Geschehen in IEA Bioenergy. Die neueste Ausgabe ist kürzlich erschienen.

2016-02-25 | International | Publikation | Nutzung

Biofuels are back on the EU agenda

Biofuels are returning to the political agenda in Europe as EU policymakers start to shape a strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from transport after 2020.

2016-02-25 | EU | Pressemeldung | Biotreibstoffe

Zertifiziertes Bioethanol für Super und Super E10 – Produktion in Deutschland 2015 weiter gestiegen

In den Bioethanolwerken Deutschlands wurden im Jahr 2015 insgesamt 739.821 Tonnen Bioethanol aus den nachwachsenden Rohstoffen Industrierüben und Futtergetreide produziert, dies sind 12.940 Tonnen bzw. 1,8 Prozent mehr als im Jahr 2014

2016-02-25 | Deutschland | Pressemeldung | Biotreibstoffe

European Environmental Agency: report on vehicle emissions published

Despite improvements in vehicle efficiencies over past decades, EEA reports show that the road transport sector is responsible for almost one fifth of Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions.

2016-02-11 | EU | Publikation | Emissionen
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