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AMFI Newsletter 4/2015

The current issue of the AMFI newsletter has been released.

2016-02-11 | International | Newsletter | Alternative Treibstoffe

Virent says Rolls-Royce testing shows its renewable jet fuel cuts harmful particulates

US-based Virent says testing of its blended jet biofuel product shows a greater than 50% reduction in particulate matter emissions compared to conventional jet.

2016-02-11 | USA | Pressemeldung | Biotreibstoffe

Virent: Collaboration with Tesoro for Low Carbon Fuels and Chemicals

Virent has entered into a strategic relationship with Tesoro to accelerate the development and commercialization of Virent’s BioForming technology to produce low-carbon, drop-in, bio-based fuels and chemicals.

2016-02-11 | USA | Pressemeldung | Biotreibstoffe

Japan Airlines to build biofuel plant

Japan Airlines (JAL) is building its first demonstration complex in Chiba Prefecture, east of Tokyo, aiming to get the fuel ready for use in their aircraft by 2020.

2016-02-11 | International | Pressemeldung | Biotreibstoffe

Untersuchung der Rußreaktivität unterschiedlicher Dieselkraftstoffe

Der Zusammenhang zwischen der Reaktivität und den physikochemischen Eigenschaften unterschiedlicher Dieselruße wurde im FVV-FNR-Forschungsvorhaben „Rußreaktivität von Biokraftstoffen“ mit unterschiedlichen Analyseverfahren untersucht.

2016-02-11 | Deutschland | Projekt | Biodiesel

Sustainable Alternative Fuels in the European Aviation Environmental Report

The European Advanced Biofuels Flightpath provides a roadmap to achieve an annual production rate of 2 million tonnes of sustainably produced biofuel for civil aviation by 2020.

2016-02-11 | EU | Publikation | Biotreibstoffe

Gevo Signs Licensing and Joint Development Agreements With Porta

Gevo, Inc. announced that it has entered into a license agreement and a joint development agreement with Porta Hnos S.A. to construct multiple isobutanol plants in Argentina using corn as a feedstock.

2016-02-11 | International | Pressemeldung | Biotreibstoffe

Pkw-Neuzulassungen im Jänner 2016: +2,5%; Trend zu Dieselfahrzeugen setzt sich fort

2016-02-11 | Österreich | Pressemeldung | Alternative Treibstoffe

IEA Task 39 Newsletter

#41 Special Issue on Germany

This issue features a Biofuels country update from Germany, an update on Task 39’s ongoing work, and a short summary of some of other relevant news in the Biofuels area.

2016-01-27 | International | Newsletter | Biotreibstoffe

CO2 Truck Emission Reduction

CO2 emission limits on trucks have certainly not been reached.

2016-01-27 | International | Pressemeldung | Emissionen

Frankreich: 1000 km Solarstraßen innerhalb von 5 Jahren?

Ziel eines nationalen Aktionsprogrammes ist, die Straße nicht nur als eine Transportroute anzusehen, sondern auch als eine Quelle für saubere, erneuerbare Energie ohne Bedarf an zusätzlichem Raum.

2016-01-27 | Frankreich | Pressemeldung | Erneuerbare Energien

€3.5 Million Project to Test World’s First Production Passenger Car Powered by DME

Oberon Fuels, Inc., the first company to produce fuel-grade dimethyl ether (“DME”) in North America, is partnering with Ford Motor Company, Forschungsvereinigung Verbrennungskraftmaschinen e. V. , and others on a 3-year, €3.5 million project to research, analyze and test the potential of DME and oligomethyl ether (OME) fuel in passenger cars and heavy-duty truck engines.

2016-01-27 | International | Pressemeldung | Biotreibstoffe

US: more biofuel production in 2016

On November 30, EPA finalized a rule setting Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) volumes for 2014 through 2016. EIA used these finalized volumes to develop the current STEO forecast and assumes the 2016 targets for 2017, except the biomass-based diesel 2017 target of 2.0 billion gallons, which was included in the November 30 rule.

2016-01-27 | International | Pressemeldung | Biotreibstoffe

Power-to-Gas Call

IEA-RETD launches call for proposal for Renewable Power-to-Gas (RE-P2G) study

2016-01-27 | International | Ausschreibung | Konversionstechnologien

Oslo Airport the first in the world to offer Neste's renewable aviation fuel

Oslo Airport Gardermoen is the world's first airport to offer renewable aviation fuel refined by Neste for refueling airplanes. Lufthansa, SAS and KLM have already announced that they will be refueling their planes with aviation fuel containing a renewable component in Oslo

2016-01-27 | International | Pressemeldung | Biotreibstoffe

USDA: Information collection for the Residue and Biomass Field Survey

The study will investigate the effect crop residue removal has on soil and water quality.

2016-01-27 | International | Projekt | Nachhaltigkeit

Natrium-Ionen-Batterien als Alternative zu Lithium-Ionen Batterien

Ein französisches Forscherteam hat mit der Behörde für Atomenergie und alternative Energien (CEA) und dem französischen Zentrum für wissenschaftliche Forschung (CNRS) eine Alternative zum Lithium untersucht – Natrium.

2016-01-27 | Frankreich | Pressemeldung | Energieversorgung

Landwirtschaftliche Einkommen sinken

Nach den Einkommenseinbußen der vergangenen Jahre brachte auch 2015 keine Erholung für die österreichische Landwirtschaft.

2015-12-22 | Österreich | Pressemeldung | Märkte

European Roadmap for an Algae-Based Industry

6-8 April 2016, Olhão / Portugal

The Algae Cluster calls for papers.

2015-12-22 | EU | Veranstaltungshinweis | Algen

ICCT study: From laboratory to road

38 % discrepancy in CO2-emissions

Already in 2014, an ICCT study reveals discrepancy between type-approval and on-road CO2 emissions of cars.

2015-12-22 | International | Publikation | Emissionen
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