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DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR INTERNAL POLICIES publishes Study on “Impacts of shale gas and shale oil extraction”

The study discusses the possible impacts of hydraulic fracturing on the environment and on human health.

2012-09-13 | EU | Publikation | Nachhaltigkeit

Ethanol production from waste

Enerkem Inc., a waste-to-biofuels and chemicals company, announced in June 2012 the initial production of cellulosic ethanol from waste materials at its demonstration facility in Westbury, Québec.

2012-09-13 | Kanada | Projekt | Ethanol

IEA Bioenergy Task 37 Newsletter Issue #31 Korea Feature

The most recent issue of the IEA Bioenergy Task 39 Newsletter has been released with an overview of the various acitivities from the biofuels area in South Korea.

2012-09-13 | International | Newsletter | Biotreibstoffe

Call for Papers - International Conference on Polygeneration Strategies 13

3 rd September to 5 th of September 2013 - Vienna, Austria

The call for papers has been opened for the full paper - peer reviewed Conference International Conference on Polygeneration Strategies in September 2013 in Vienna.

2012-09-13 | Österreich | Ausschreibung | Synthetische Treibstoffe

Bio n-Butanol Demonstration Facility in Latin America

Cobalt Technologies and specialty chemical company Rhodia, member of the Solvay Group, announced they will begin joint development and operation of a biobutanol demonstration facility in Brazil.

2012-09-04 | Brasilien | Projekt | Rohstoffe

Studie zur Biomasseversorgung großer Energieanlagen

BIOENERGY 2020+ hat im Rahmen einer Vorstudie für eine Beantragung mit Mitteln des Klima- und Energiefonds im Projekt „BioH2-4refineries“ die Versorgung einer großen Energieanlage mit 200.000 t Holz geprüft.

2012-09-04 | Österreich | Publikation | Rohstoffe

Chemtex selected for 99 mio. loan guarantee

Chemtex International Inc. has received a Letter of Conditional Commitment for a US$ 99 mio. loan guarantee from the USDA under their 9003 Biofefinery Assistance Program for the engineering and construction of “Project Alpha”. Chemtex is in discussions with the State of North Carolina to locate this 20 mio. gallons per year cellulosic ethanol plant in the Sampson County area.

2012-09-04 | USA | Projekt | Ethanol

Quality management of digestate from biogas plants used as fertiliser

IEA Bioenergy Task 37 New Publication

Within IEA Bioenergy Task 37 a new publication has been released on the quality management of digestate from biogas plants used as fertiliser from Teodorita AL SEADI and Clare LUKEHURST.

2012-09-04 | International | Publikation | Biogas

US monthly ethanol statistics

The U.S. Energy Information Administration published its latest Monthly Energy Review on Aug. 29. The review includes a monthly overview of ethanol statistics. The new report addresses ethanol production, stocks and exports through May 2012.

2012-09-04 | USA | Pressemeldung | Ethanol

Algae-to-Energy Facility Operational

Sapphire Energy, Inc. announced the first phase of the world’s first commercial demonstration algae-to-energy facility, is now operational. . The company harvested its first crop in June and has since harvested algae biomass totaling 81 tons.

2012-09-04 | USA | Pressemeldung | F&E

Neste Oil completes the first phase of its microbial oil pilot plant

Neste Oil has completed the first phase of its project to build a pilot plant for producing microbial oil. The first phase will enable the growth of oil-producing micro-organisms, and the following phases will concentrate on raw material pretreatment and oil recovery. The goal is to develop the technology so that it is capable of yielding commercial volumes of microbial oil for use as a feedstock for NExBTL renewable diesel. Commercial-scale production is expected by 2015 at the earliest.

2012-09-04 | International | Pressemeldung | Konversionstechnologien

Broschüre Biotreibstoffe auf dem Prüfstand

Österreichischer Biomasseverband veröffenltlicht neue Broschüre

Mit der Broschüre „Biotreibstoffe auf dem Prüfstand“ bietet der Österreichische Biomasse-Verband eine ausführliche und umfassende Information zum Thema Bioenergie im Verkehrsbereich an.

2012-08-30 | Österreich | Publikation | Biotreibstoffe

Pilotanlage zur Vergasung von Zuckerrohrbagasse

Das von der öffentlichen Hand finanzierte multidisziplinäre Forschungsinstitut IPT plant im Bundesstaat São Paulo die Errichtung einer 400.000 jato-Pilotanlage zur Vergasung von Zuckerrohrbagasse.

2012-08-30 | Brasilien | Pressemeldung | F&E

Deutsche Bioethanolwirtschaft weist Kritik an E10 scharf zurück

Der Bundesverband der deutschen Bioethanolwirtschaft (BDBe) hat heute die Forderung von Entwicklungsminister Dirk Niebel , wegen steigender Agrarpreise und Dürren solle es einen sofortigen Verkaufsstopp für den Biotreibstoff E10 an deutschen Tankstellen geben, scharf zurückgewiesen.

2012-08-30 | Deutschland | Pressemeldung | Ethanol

Neste Oil and Stora Enso stop their biodiesel project

Neste Oil and Stora Enso have decided not to progress with their plans to build a biodiesel plant, for which the two companies had applied for funding under the EU's NER 300 program

2012-08-30 | EU | Pressemeldung | Biodiesel

Biofuels: Controversial Positions

Europe's biofuel producers are hitting back at claims that they are at fault for this summer’s high food prices and challenge assertions that crops grown for fuel production are a threat to food supplies.

2012-08-30 | International | Pressemeldung | Stoffliche Nutzung von Biomasse

Latest CryoSat result revealed

In June 2011, the first map of Arctic sea-ice thickness was unveiled, using CryoSat data. Now, the complete 2010–11 winter season data have been processed to produce a seasonal variation map of sea-ice thickness.

2012-08-16 | International | Projekt | Märkte

Greening Aviation

Interviews from the Farnborough International Airshow

An interesting video on "Greening Aviation" with interviews from the Farnborough International Airshow was published.

2012-08-16 | International | Pressemeldung | Alternative Treibstoffe

US ethanol production plunges to two-year low

Production of fuel ethanol – produced from fermenting sugar or starch bearing crops such as corn – has dropped to around 800 thousand barrels per day (kb/d) in the US, the lowest level in two years, according to the International Energy Agency’s latest Oil Market Report (OMR).

2012-08-16 | USA | Pressemeldung | Ethanol

"Der Sommer der Wahrheit"

Ein sehr interessanter Artikel zu Klimawandel und CO2 von Jeffrey D. Sachs, Professor für Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Leiter des Earth Institute an der Columbia University, sowie Sonderberater des Generalsekretärs der Vereinten Nationen für die Millenniumsentwicklungsziele.

2012-08-16 | International | Pressemeldung | Nachhaltigkeit
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