World Bioenergy 2x larger than World Nuclear
While fossil fuels still dominate the global energy supply with a combined share of 81%, renewable energy sources have the potential of becoming the dominant sources of energy for coming generations.
European partnership to unlock the potential of algal bioenergy
A major €14 million (approx £12.3 million) initiative is bringing experts from across North West Europe together to develop the potential of algae as a source of sustainable energy.
EU-Agrarrat debattiert die Energie aus Biomasse
Die Diskussion über Chancen und Risiken der erneuerbaren Energien im Rahmen des EU-Agrarministerrates fortgesetzt werden.
From feedstocks to finance: upscaling sustainable biofuels
European Biofuels Technology Platform, 4th Stakeholder Plenary Meeting; Press release 14 September 2011
Deployment of innovative biofuels technologies, possible, but requires strong political commitment, say European biofuels stakeholders.
Greenhouse Gas Benefits of a Biogas Plant in Austria
Task 38 Publicationon Austrian Case Study Biogas
Rural Europe (re)turns to forests energy source
With approximately 80% of the biomass used wood is the most widely-used source of renewable energy in Europe.
Honeywell’s UOP Biomass to Transportation Fuels Facilty
UOP LLC, a Honeywell company, announced it has begun construction in Hawaii of a biofuels demonstration unit that will convert forest residuals, algae and other cellulosic biomass into transportation fuels.
31 % mehr Bioenergie für Österreich bis 2020
Um 31 % auf 237 Petajoule könnte der energetische Endverbrauch von Bioenergie in Österreich bis 2020 erhöht werden.
IEA-Bioenergie – zwei neue Publikationen
IEA Bioenergy Newsletter #23 und Bericht vom ExCo65 Workshop Developing Sustainable Trade in Bioenergy erschienen.
Pyrolyseverfahren nutzt Eukalyptus
In Australien soll nun aus einer Eukalyptusart über Pyrolyse ein Biokerosin für die Luftfahrt gewonnen werden.
European Advanced Biofuels Flight path Initiative
The EC, leading European airlines and key European biofuel producers, have launched an initiative to speed up the commercialisation of aviation biofuels in Europe.
Non-energy raw materials
Non-energy raw materials are vital inputs for the EU’s economy, and are crucial for the development of modern environmentally friendly technologies such as electric cars and photovoltaics.
$20 million for Iowa’s renewable energy and energy efficiency research
With the five-year grant Iowa's research capacity in renewable energy and energy efficiency will be strengthened.
GE joins consortium to develop Australian aviation biofuel
GE announced on 1st September 2011 that it has joined Virgin Australia and a consortium of other partners to research and develop commercial biofuel for the aviation industry.
BIOSIRE - Sustainable Transport in Tourism Regions
BIOSIRE aims to establish a shift towards bio-diesel and electric propulsion for fleets, ships and special vehicles in tourist areas.
Biodiesel Industry Producing Record Volumes
US Biodiesel production reached a new monthly high of 81 million gallons in June, according to the latest EPA statistics.
USDA, DoE and Navy Seek Input from Industry to Advance Biofuels
Secretary of Agriculture, Secretary of Energy, and Secretary of the Navy announced the next step in the creation of a public-private partnership to develop drop-in advanced biofuels.
5. Internationale Konferenz „Biodiesel“ in Berlin
Die AGQM veranstaltet vom 6. bis 7. Oktober 2011 ihre fünfte internationale Fachtagung „Biodiesel“.
5th International ‘Biodiesel’ Conference in Berlin
The AGQM will hold its fifth international expert conference "Biodiesel" from 6 to 7 October.
Erhöhung der Beimischungsquoten für Biokraftstoffe in der EU
Auslastung der Produktionskapazität für Biodiesel nicht zu erwarten
Einige Mitgliedsstaaten erhöhten nationale Beimischungsquoten für das Jahr 2011.