Higher blending quotas for biofuels in the EU
Full utilization of the available biodiesel production capacity is not in sight
Some member states have increased national blending quotas in 2011.
Neuregelung des Emissionshandels ab 2013
Ministerrat beschließt Emissionszertifikategesetz 2011
Dienstags wurde im Ministerrat das Emissionszertifikategesetz 2011 (EZG 2011) als zentrales Instrument zur Verringerung von CO2-Emissionen beschlossen.
BIOENERGY 2020+ am Standort Wieselburg stellt sich vor
Tag der offenen Tür am 23.09.2011
BIOENERGY 2020+ beforscht, entwickelt und verbreitet Bioenergietechnologien. Die Pforten werden geöffnet, um die Arbeiten und ausgewählte Projekte zu präsentieren.
Update on global forest industry markets
Wood Resources International provides an overview of recent and long-term activity in forest industry markets.
USDA and DOE Fund Research Projects to Accelerate Bioenergy Crop Production
The U.S. Departments of Energy and Agriculture have awarded 10 grants totaling $12.2 million.
$12 Million for Drop-In Biofuels
U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced up to $12 million to fund three small-scale projects in Illinois, Wisconsin, and North Carolina.
Abengoa Announces DOE Offer of Conditional Commitment for $133.9 Million Loan Guarantee to Build Inaugural Biomass Plant in United States
Abengoa Bioenergy has been selected by the US Department of Energy’s Loan Programs Office to receive an offer of a conditional commitment for a $133.9 million federal loan guarantee.
Netzwerk Biotreibstoffe Newsletter im neuen Gewand
Informationsverbreitung in modernem Design
Neues Design des Netzwerk Biotreibstoffe wird in der aktuellen Ausgabe vorgestellt.
Network Biofuels newsletter in a new guise
Dissemination of information in modern design
The new design of the Network Biofuels Newsletter is presented in the current issue.
President Obama Announces Major Initiative to Spur Biofuels Industry and Enhance America's Energy Security
President Obama announced investments up to $510 million to produce advanced drop-in biofuels.
Öffentliche Konsultation zum offeneren Zugang zu wissenschaftlichen Informationen
Bis 9.9. können im Rahmen einer öffentlichen Konsultation Vorschläge zur Verbesserung des Zugangs zu wissenschaftlichen Informationen eingereicht werden.
Digital Agenda: more open access to scientific information
Commission seeks views
A public consultation is open until 9 September on more open access to scientific information.
Jatropha - extraordinary collapse or restart?
Jatropha for biofuel production in India?
Publication on failure of jatropha cultivation in India versus press release on new jatropha plantations in India
EBB says EU's indirect land use change policy is insufficient
A critical review will be performed
Europe's biodiesel producers have commissioned an independent review of a policy document on biodiesel's indirect effects on land use change.
DOE Releases “Billion-Ton†Bioenergy Study Update
U.S. Billion-Ton Update: Biomass Supply for a Bioenergy and Bioproducts Industry
Follow-up report to Billion Ton Study 2005 published -U.S. Billion-Ton Update: Biomass Supply for a Bioenergy and Bioproducts Industry.
Stellenausschreibung „NAWARO“
An der BOKU sind zwei (drei) interessante ProfessorInnenstellen im Bereich NAWARO ausgeschrieben.
Positive Entwicklung bei den Luftschadstoff- und Treibhausgasemissionen
Die Emissionen von Luftschadstoffen und Treibhausgasen der Österreicher reduzierten sich zum Teil deutlich.
Internationaler Fachkongress „Kraftstoffe der Zukunft“
23. und 24. Jänner in Berlin
Ende Jänner findet in Berlin die Tagung "Kraftstoffe der Zukunft" statt.
Half of EU electricity from wind by 2050?
Half of the EU’s electricity requirements could be fuelled by wind power by 2050 according to the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA).
Workshop "Achieving 2 million tons of biofuels use in aviation by 2020"
This Workshop was organized by the European Commission in Brussels on 18 May in cooperation with Airbus.