Copa Cogeca Position Paper on RED II
The Copa Cogeca has released a position paper in response to the proposal for a RED II Directive under the title "Strengthening the role of agricultural and forest biomass in all bioenergy sectors to achieve the EU's 2030 climate and energy goals ".
The authors state that the proposal is in contradiction with the EU’s objectives concerning the protection of the climate, energy security, and the promotion of a low-carbon and circular economy. Indeed, the Commission proposes to abandon the target to promote renewable energy sources in the transport sector, to reduce or scrap the use of conventional biofuels, to consider waste-based fossil fuels as renewable fuels, to restrict priority access, transmission and distribution of electricity produced from biogas and solid biomass to the national electricity grids, and to establish new sustainability criteria for biomass fuels. The promotion of renewable energy sources (RES) in the heating and cooling (H&C) sector lacks ambition. The authors fear that the rules proposed for the support schemes for electricity of renewable origin could completely exclude European biomass from this sector.
Source: COPA COGECA (European Farmers*European Agri-Cooperatives)
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