Top European Specialists on Renewable Gases join Forces in R2Gas
In July 2019 the CEOs of some of the top specialized SMEs on renewable gases in Europe decided to join forces in a new association called R2Gas (Research Centre for renewable gases) to further develop the production technology of renewable and sustainable gases as one of the energetic pillars of future energy production. R2Gas is based in Vienna expressing that in and around the city high standard gas technologies have been developed thanks to the yearlong initiatives that have been taken by the universities TU Wien (University of Technology) and BOKU, Wien (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences). However, also the vicinity of the eastern European countries with the highest biomass potential influenced the choice for Vienna. The association’s focus is on bioenergy production through anaerobic digestion and gasification but includes also power to gas and liquid fuels (P2X) as well as upgrading and efficient utilisation of the gaseous energy carriers.